Composite photographs, most 6 x 68 inches; some longer. About the artist Acquiring work |
Mountains Gentle ones, harsh ones, tree-covered, bare rock, snowy, in New England and the Southeast and France and Italy Water Streams, creeks, brooks, rivers, lagoons, swamps, lakes, seas, and oceans Woods and fields In and out of the trees Gardens Plants on purpose Buildings Interiors, exteriors, streets around Crowds Lots of people |
Cleveland places Familiar and unfamiliar sites in and around the cool town of Cleveland and pretty much anywhere along Lake Erie Bicycle rides Close to home, far from home, flat, hilly, mountainous, slow, fast, pleasant, exhilarating, debilitating, defibrillating Walks On paths or city streets, in houses, looking sideways, looking up, looking down Events Concerts, parades, sporting events, festivals, reenactments of naval battles |
Kinetic Rolling, zooming, splashing, rumbling, swaying Annotated Helpful explanatory text built into every picture Most recent A selection . . . also an incentive to hurry up and finish some more Everything Project history with descriptive text and links to more than 400 works and counting, in chronological order by place and time |
Installation Photos A few snapshots About this project |